How to Make Your Videos Rank Better on YouTube

Here are some tips and tricks for earning a higher ranking for your video on YouTube, including optimizing video tags and encouraging comments.

Date published
June 23, 2014 Categories

Please note: there is now a more up-to-date version of this guide – How can you make your videos rank better on YouTube? – published in July 2016.

With 200,000 videos uploaded per day, more than 600 years required to view all those videos, more than 100 million videos watched daily, and more than 300 million existing accounts, if you think dmight not be an effective distribution channel to reach prospective customers, think again.

Yes, understanding YouTube can be a little complicated as compared to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or even Tumblr, when it comes to generating engagement, but YouTube marketing is worth all the efforts. YouTube is the third most popular site in the world and the second most popular search engine after Google. So you can see why it is important to optimize your videos for YouTube search results.

Factors Which Determine YouTube Video Ranking:

Have you ever wondered what YouTube actually takes into account to determine which video should rank higher in its search results? Are these the same factors that Google looks for while determining the rank of a page in the search results page? We have categorized the YouTube ranking factors into two parts – onsite and offsite factors. Have a look at both of them:

Onsite Factors:

Offsite Factors:

Tips to Rank Your Video Higher on YouTube Search Results:

So what can you do to increase the views on your videos quickly? Post your video throughout your social media network. Don’t just restrict to Facebook and Twitter, but also include Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, and Pinterest in your strategy. Embed your video in your blog posts and mention it on question and answer sites like Quora. How about posting your video to the homepage of your website? In addition to this, email a link to your video to your customers and your newsletter subscribers to reach out to a greater audience.

Write around a 250-word description with the keywords included three to four times. Additionally, the keywords should be included in the first 25 words of the description. Make sure the keywords are naturally incorporated and don’t appear as spammy.

Following these steps will definitely help you to rank your videos higher in YouTube. So, what do you think? Are your videos optimized for YouTube? Which of these practices will be most effective for your YouTube video ranking? You can comment below to share your own strategies for YouTube video optimization with us.

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