The Four Keys to Image SEO Success

If you want to scoop up image search traffic you need to create detailed, informative file names, image alt tags, and informative anchor text, and a clear context for your image.

Date published
February 23, 2010 Categories

I have this nasty habit of making, what I think are, casual remarks that lead to a bit of controversy. In my last column, I wrote: “Putting key phrases in image ALT tags or comment tags does little good.”

A couple people thought that wasn’t right. For example, IslandsT wrote:

I like the rest of your ideas and they are great except this one:- ‘Putting key phrases in image ALT tags does little good’. Only little good? Do you know that this is one of the most important factors in SEO nowadays? Image search is so important and can always helps us to get extra traffic to our online blog. My point of reference is so often connected to the concept that search engine optimization primarily refers to the blue text links in the search engines. That is an outdated perspective.

SEO (define) takes so many shapes these days. That doesn’t make this conversation as clear and straightforward as one might like, however.

SEO refers to many things:

This fact came home to me this past week when a new client discussed all the traffic they were getting from image search.

I’m not talking about some hip hop music site. These people fabricate a niche, industrial product. Only people that knew about this industry would do searches for these kinds of products.

Image search is becoming a significant driver of traffic.

This is amusing because, not long ago, clients were asking me how to stop search engines from indexing their images. They didn’t want all that pesky server traffic.

If that line of thinking makes sense to you, the easiest way of stopping search engines from indexing your images is adding something like this to your robots.txt file.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /images/

If your images are all located in a single directory such as “images,” this little bit of code will pretty much stop all those nosy search spiders from finding all your juicy images.

You can also specifically designate the Google image spider to stop accessing any of your site using this code in your robots.txt file:

User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: /

Just don’t somehow mash those two pieces of code together. I highly discourage something like this:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

That will save you a ton of server traffic by telling all search spiders to not bother spidering or indexing anything in your site.

All that said, you would have to make a pretty strong case to me as to why in the world you wouldn’t want image search traffic. The point of your Web site is to market your business. While image search takes a bit of “out-of-the-box” thinking, it doesn’t take a mental giant to arrive at the conclusion: traffic is traffic.

So, how do you go about scooping up all this image search traffic?

Fortunately for us, Google has done a nice job laying out all the general tips and tricks.

Here are the highlights, which culminates as the four keys to image search optimization success:

Taking time to do these things could significantly help you get a bunch more image search traffic.

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