Planning Paid Media Beyond an Impression or Click

Five opportunities to leverage media campaigns beyond the paid media buy itself and create something larger and more impactful.

Date published
June 08, 2011 Categories

Many times in the media world, a brief is passed along with an objective, budget, and other planning parameters identifying boundaries. Sometimes, we are fortunate enough to have realistic timelines, but all too often, timelines are tight and proposals need to be turned around within a few days. The need to plan and activate quickly often prevents the ability to ideate beyond the current plan itself. Especially in smaller agencies where everyone wears multiple hats and bandwidth runs thin, the responsibility of innovating and expanding beyond the plan relies on the same people who are planning within the tight timelines.

Inversely, I often hear colleagues and counterparts questioning the importance of paid advertising – and emphasizing the importance of creating something beyond a banner – something meaningful and relevant to consumers. I wholeheartedly understand and recognize real consumer awareness and the instances in which it’s created for next to nothing (think: Tourism Queensland “Best Job in the World” PR campaign), but let’s face it: the big worldwide notable brands have huge advertising budgets – Apple, Nike, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, GE, etc. They continue to innovate and create initiatives that provide consumers value from technology to food and beverage; however, they also use their advertising budgets to create awareness around these new products.

At the end of the day, it’s important to take a step back within both worlds and remember that the media campaign is part of a larger effort outside of the media, and is an opportunity for the brand to create something larger and more impactful by leveraging it beyond the buy itself. It in and of itself is not the answer, but part of the puzzle. From a $200,000 to $2 million budget, there is always the ability to recognize opportunities to leverage campaigns beyond the paid media buy itself. At times, it is easier than it looks. Below are some opportunities to get the juices flowing:

In all briefs, we have clients’ objectives and KPIs; however, I would challenge everyone to look at what happens after the media runs. What will there be? Hopefully a big footprint left of where the brand made its mark, but unfortunately, that doesn’t happen overnight – it, too, takes planning.

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